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The Brand Journalism Advantage

Listen to the podcast that gives brands a Competitive Advantage. Each episode is packed with tangible tips on brand journalism, storytelling, marketing, social media tools, entrepreneurship, creating greater ROI, and inspiration to succeed. Learn why you should "Think Like A Journalist!" to thrive in business.

Nov 28, 2014

Katie Kerr helps business do good in the world and become known for their great work through a non-profit she works for. Find out what it means to be a B Corp and why it's important to your company and consumers.

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Nov 26, 2014

Jeff Moore shares how he's successfully grown his two seafood companies by building valuable relationships with customers. Find out his key questions to engage and understand customers and their needs to help them achieve their goals.

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Nov 24, 2014

Graham Robertson on making consumers fall in love with your brand. Understand the importance of brand positioning statements, defining your consumer, and speaking the language of benefits to show consumers what's in it for them. 

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Nov 21, 2014

Lisa Manyon is "The Business Marketing Architect".  She shares her method for developing effective marketing strategies by building relationships through content. Plus important tips to make your Website a consumer magnet.

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Nov 19, 2014

Mark W. Schaefer shares how to target your audience on Twitter and gain followers who love your business. Plus, how a journalism background is the backbone for marketing today and what you can do to keep your audience engaged.

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